Our Location

Our mailing address is:

Inland Valley Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
PO Box 2241
Riverside, CA  92516-2241

General Parking

We are meeting at All Saints Episcopal Church in Riverside, at the corner of Magnolia Avenue and Terracina Drive and across the street from the Riverside City College campus. Parking is at 4685 Magnolia Avenue, and is free for silent worship. 

Parking Lot

Once you park, walk up the steps and follow the signs.

Meeting room chairs and window

To get to the children’s room, keep heading down the hall and it will be the next room on the left. 

Note that due to security concerns, if you arrive after 10:30am, please use the Handicapped Parking.

Handicapped Parking

Park in the handicapped parking available at 4837 Terracina Drive, across Terracina from Central Middle School. As you had towards the main doors of the Episcopal church, enter through the red sanctuary double door, turn left and go through the office lobby, out the door into the courtyard and follow the signs to the meeting room.

What to Expect if You Visit

Inland Valley Friends Meeting meets at 10:15am every First Day (Sunday). We are an unprogrammed meeting. This means that we have no assigned pastor or minister, but instead rely on the silence to lead us to a worship experience that is found by seeking within ourselves. Early Friends spoke of this as the Light Within, or the Seed Within. Out of this silent worship anyone who is moved to share a message may do so. Ideally, these messages are framed by silence and deepen the awareness of the spiritual among those present.

In this hour we seek awareness of the divine, an escape or respite from the busyness and hurry of our public and private lives. Silence offers time for the heart and mind to listen, to sit peacefully, seeking knowledge and understanding of God. We are able to begin to accept ourselves and each other as we are, and to release ourselves from fear, anxiety, emotional confusion and selfishness. People open to that of God within.

When children are present, they begin their own activities by being dropped of by a parent or guardian at the First Day School (you are welcome to stay with a shy child in First Day School as long as necessary). Children share worship with us by joining us at the end of our hourly gathering.